Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1 Week In

Tomorrow will mark one week of Lupron shots, I feel blessed to say so far there are no side affects (knock on wood). I do get a little cranky about two hours after the shot, Matt has quickly learned once we get to that window to just lay low. LOL poor man. It usually only lasts a little bit then I'm back to my usual self. I heard horror stories about Lupron headaches but so far they haven't hit me. I was nervous at giving myself the shot before we got started but it's been a piece of cake, I only flinched once but the second time around it went smoothly. So far there is no bruising or pain, WOOHOOO. I'm glad to say things are quiet, stress free, and moving along nicely. Hoping the rest of the cycle goes the same way but we are ready for any bump in the road that may come along.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One week and counting

I start Lupron in one week. The meds came today and I think it finally clicked for Matt how intensive this is. I made him sit down with me to make sure everything was there, I knew it was going to be a lot but I don't think it really sunk in for me until now either. I have a short list to call my coordinator with tomorrow, like an injection class and why oh why is there an enema? LOL

All systems are a go...

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is going to test my patience....

This whole IVF thing will test the very being of my patience, which if you ask my husband he will gladly tell you it's not much. He said the cutest remark the other day that has stuck with me "if you don't have patience for this how are you going to have patience for a child" That little comment completely opened my eyes because he is right but I know in my heart that lack of patience will go right out the door if and when our little bundle(s) are home safe and sound. I think this lack of patience right now is my anxiousness to get this thing started. I started spotting yesterday, five days early. Every once in a while I get early spotting that lasts forever and this time it's like it's taunting me "I know you want CD1 so you can start meds...haahaahaa I'm going to make you wait".