Monday, October 20, 2008

Lots of changes

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks. My husband interviewed for a new position last month and we found out last week that the job is his. This means WE ARE MOVING HOME!!! I have loved my time in Texas but we are both huge family people so it's time to get back to our family. I'm looking forward to Sunday dinners with the family and doing slumber parties with my nieces and nephews. Another big bonus is our new insurance covers a lot more in the infertility world than what we are leaving (which was a big fat ZERO), I'm still not sure on the details of the coverage. Another bonus is they help pay for acupuncture as well and since I'm an acu addict now this will be great. Well this is going to be short but since I'm officially unemployed I imagine I will have more time to expand my blog.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your husband's new job - it sounds like there are a lot of good things attached to it.

I found you through Rebekah at Heart Cries and look forward to joining you on your journey. I'm a fellow IF/Adoption blogger (though I tend to blog about lots of other things as well).

beckyjomama said...

I found you through Rebekah's blog too, and I also wanted to congratulate you on hubby's new job. And getting to go "home" is always wonderful!!!

We never had the infertility challenge - because we knew going in that there was no way I was gonna have babies. So, right away we set out sights elsewhere. We adopted one daughter through the foster care system and the other through a private adoption ... and I would not change a thing. These girls are my heart!!!

I look forward to seeing where this journey takes you!!!

God Bless!

Bri said...

Congrats on the new job and the relocation! A change of scenery can be quite theraputic!

That is good news about the insurance (if you decide to take that route)! You have lots of exciting stuff coming up! Good luck!

happymomof4 said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your husbands new job and the move back home:) How exciting. I found you through Rebekah's blog (Heart Cries). I have been through infertility (two losses) as well as adoption (domestic) and have two beautiful children through adoption. I look forward to reading and keeping up with your blog. I too have a blog- it is set as private. Best wishes with the move and the upcoming decisions!

I Believe in Miracles said...

I came over from Rebekah's blog to welcome you to the blogger world. You are not alone in this journey. We're on the verge of IVF, not having been in this journey quite as long as you, but wanting to exhaust all options for a biological child before fully pursuing the adoption route. Having a new job with insurance coverage is fabulous!! I don't think we would have gone this far without insurance. I look forward to hearing more about the move and your journey.