Friday, September 26, 2008

He's here

Baby E = Gavin. My good friends baby arrived last night 11:30 after 26 long hours of labor. I can't wait to see the little guy... I think.

On that note today I have decided to write a short list of all the good reason's I'm not pregnant right now.
1. We are going on a cruise with three other couples in two weeks, the girls like to get together with some wine and talk girl talk since we only see each other about once every three or four months. I will be able to FULLY participate.
2. I sit here right now eating Mellowcreme Pumpkins for lunch, I can do this without worrying about getting enough nutrients to a growing baby.
3. A good friend of mine is getting married in Cozumel in April, not getting pregnant this month pushes back a possible due date by another month moving me out of that window of not being able to go "if" I'm pregnant.
4. I can sit with my darling husband on Saturday and enjoy some of his fabulous homebrew (beer) while watching college football.

... I promise I am not an alcoholic. Felling a little guilty for two of my reasons being alcohol related.


Rebekah said...

I have to make similar lists every few months. It helps convince myself that I'm not miserable! Although, your reasons sound like way more fun...a cruise, Cozumel....Live it up!!!!