Monday, April 6, 2009

Our One Shot

That's what we get, one shot at IVF to make our family of two into a family of three. Matt and I have done a lot of talking since our first RE appointment when they told us IVF is our best shot and decided we would do what we can as long as it was covered. We called our insurance to confirm coverage, we are 90% covered up to a $10k max so as most of you know that gives us one chance. I'm happy with this coverage as it is way more than a lot of people have. So we are diving in head first in May and seeing what this one shot gives us. I remember when we first realized we were having troubles I wanted so badly for there to be a test with two boxes one that said yes you will have kids and this is how you will achieve it and one that said no you won't have kids. I kind of see IVF as that test and we will shortly know the answer. To be honest I really feel at peace with this, I haven't felt this at ease and content in a long time and it's a great feeling. We are going into this with an optimistic mind for either outcome, well at least as much as we can. I have started two lists; one has baby names and nursery ideas on it and the other has the things we will/can do if it doesn't work like a trip to a nice quiet island, a personal trainer to get in knock out shape, and sell my paid off sensible family car for something fun (69 vw bug or a sports car). Matt and I have such a wonderful relationship and I feel so lucky to have this wonderful man in my life, we both want so badly to have a child and a little family but we also are secure in the fact that our life can be full and complete without it as well.

This is an exciting time in our life and in just a few short months we will close the door to infertility and open a new door...will it be door A or door B??????


Rebekah said...

Great attitude! I wish God's best for your life!