Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm triggered and we are doing our retrieval tomorrow! I'm full of so many emotions right now; excitement, optimism, fear, and doubt. It's crazy how all those can get wrapped up into one head at one time. The good thing however is I'm not feeling stressed, I have done my best to remain stress free through this whole thing. My husband, family, and close friends are such a great support system they always know what to say and when to say it.

I never considered myself a strong person, not necessarily a weak person but just a go with the flow happy kind of person. I have a few friends that are super outgoing and go get what they want without second thought, I have always been jealous of them and their "strong" character. Well I sort of had a selfish epiphany this week, I am so much stronger and braver than those friends just in a different way. Yes that's horrible to say and completely selfish but this is my time to be selfish. I am going to look at my baby(s) and always remember the time mommy was brave. I'm forever a changed person and as much as I hate this infertility journey I am thankful for the strength it has given me, my husband and our relationship.